What's On Scenic Rim - New website launched

Every week the Scenic Rim plays host to an array of colourful community events and vibrant destination events and now you won't miss a single one because Council has built a one-stop catch-all website called What's On Scenic Rim.
Scenic Rim Regional Council Mayor Greg Christensen said it is an easy-to-use website for locals and visitors alike and will showcase both Council run events and those run by community groups and businesses.
"What makes this website such a powerful tool is the technology behind it draws event information from a number of major ticketing and event websites and social media, and automatically updates," he explained.
"It brings to life an incredible variety of events from sporting, cultural, hospitality, library and destination events and it puts them all together in one place for us to search and share with friends and family.
"There is a tangible economic impact in making it easier for locals to support nearby activities and for visitors to plan their weekends and holidays around signature events.
"Council estimates the region's three signature events for 2021, the Great Gondwana Festival, a gala concert in collaboration with Queensland Music Festival and perennial favourite Scenic Rim Eat Local Week, will return a combined $5.5 million to the local economy.
"Not only will this new online platform be a promotional tool for event organisers, it also features handy and important resources like templates for event and risk management, and emergency response plans.
"What's On Scenic Rim replaces the previously printed Join In booklet at a significant cost-saving to ratepayers, in the order of $50,000 a year.
"We will continue to distribute a monthly event flyer listing Council events and activities and will still promote these via local newspapers.
"We encourage everyone to sign up to What's On Scenic Rim and start browsing the events and trust that you'll be surprised when you discover some wonderful new events in your own backyard.
"This website allows you to save the events you're interested in, to build a shortlist of favourites, and will send you tailored notifications so you don't miss a date."
For more information visit www.whatsonscenicrim.com