Moogerah facelift on the cards thanks to Queensland Government funding

Lake moogerah caravan park 350 x 190

Lake Moogerah Caravan Park is set for a makeover thanks to funding from the Queensland Government under its COVID Unite and Recover Stimulus Package.

Mayor Greg Christensen said Council was delighted to receive $2.028 million for the project through a competitive grants process.

"All South East Queensland Councils had the opportunity to submit projects with $26 million of competitive funding up for grabs for projects that support the delivery of job creating new infrastructure or upgrades, and have lasting benefits for community assets and economic development," he said.

"The project will be jointly funded with Council contributing $120,000.

"This builds on the $380,360 funding Council will receive for electrical upgrades to the campsite under the Queensland Government's COVID Works for Queensland funding.

"We are grateful the Queensland Government and in particular Minister Hinchliffe for his ongoing support to help our region recover from the impacts of COVID-19."

Local Government Minister Stirling Hinchliffe said both the COVID Works for Queensland and the Unite and Recovery Community Stimulus packages were part of Queensland’s $6 billion economic stimulus plan, which was being rolled out across the State.

“This pandemic has done untold damage to economies across the world and we’re not immune here in South East Queensland,” he said.

“What we do have is a government focused on creating and supporting jobs for all Queenslanders and these two packages will do just that for more than 140 people who are directly or indirectly part of the Scenic Rim Regional Council.”

Division Five Councillor Marshall Chalk said the Council-owned campground was well overdue for some major works that would bring the amenities and facilities up to a modern standard.

"We know how much families love to camp out here under the stars and enjoy this part of the Scenic Rim, so these changes are set to make a big difference to their enjoyment during their stay," Cr Chalk said.

Cr Christensen said the campground would undergo its facelift in a number of stages to ensure the foundation works are completed before the aesthetic works could begin.

"The electrical upgrades funded under the COVID Works for Queensland funding will take first priority, and then the dam water supply and effluent disposal system will be upgraded.

"This will be followed by the installation of a water treatment system to treat raw dam water for the shower amenities," he said.

"Stages five and six will see upgrades to the roads, footpaths and service areas, as well as a full replacement of the campers' amenities block including the construction of a new camp kitchen.

"The final stage of the project will see the amenities block replaced for the many day trippers who come to enjoy the area."

Works on the upgrades will start in September 2020 and are expected to be completed by 30 June 2021.

The Lake Moogerah Caravan Park upgrades are a joint initiative of Scenic Rim Regional Council and the Queensland Government.

The Lake Moogerah Caravan Park electrical upgrade project is an initiative of the Queensland Government.

