Council successful in bid for Black Spot funding

Scott buchholz cr enright mayor greg christensen birnam street and alice street

Scott Buchholz MP, Cr Michael Enright, Mayor Greg Christensen at Birnam Street and Alice Street.

Five busy thoroughfares and intersections across the Scenic Rim are set to receive safety upgrades to better protect the lives of motorists and pedestrians with Council receiving funding from the Australian Government's Black Spot Program.

At today’s resumed Ordinary Meeting, Councillors acknowledged the $1.745 million 2021-2022 Black Spot Program funding and five approved projects across the region.

While works vary depending on the individual project, motorists can expect to see new audio line markings, guideposts with reflectors, more guardrails, the installation of alignment markers, the installation of a single lane roundabout, warning signs and pedestrian refuges.

Assistant Minister for Road Safety and Freight Transport and Federal Member for Wright, Scott Buchholz, said the latest round of Black Spot Program funding would inject $1.745 million to make Scenic Rim roads safer.

“This is a significant investment in making our local road network better, to get you home sooner and safer and it is part of the Australian Government’s commitment to building safer roads right across the nation,” he said.

“The Black Spot Program funds safety measures such as traffic signals and roundabouts at locations where serious crashes have occurred.

“This latest funding will build on our previous road and transport infrastructure investments across the Scenic Rim, to make our local roads safer and more efficient.”

Scenic Rim Mayor Greg Christensen welcomed the funding and thanked the Australian Government for their contribution for the upgrades, which he said will save the lives of locals and visitors.

"Council officers monitor crash locations within the Scenic Rim region as part of the ongoing capital works program development for potential Black Spot funding nominations and to respond to requests from the community for infrastructure upgrades," he said.

"This funding allocation is great news for our community, as this allows Council to get started on a number of projects that may have otherwise been years away.

"We want to ensure those who use our roads make it home safely to their loved ones every time, having one person injured or killed is one person too many."

Division 3 Councillor Virginia West said the upgrades on Beechmont Road would no doubt be welcomed by the many motorists who use it daily.

"This upgrade is greatly appreciated because Beechmont Road is the most heavily trafficked Council-owned road we have in the Scenic Rim," she said.

"It is always busy, and on the weekends there are many visitors, so it's vital we have safe roads for both locals and visitors to travel on.

"I would also like to acknowledge the local residents who travel Beechmont Road daily and thank them for their patience during roadworks which have been undertaken."

Division 4 Councillor Michael Enright said the funding provided through the Black Spot Program meant a number of important safety upgrades could be brought forward.

"I am grateful to the Australian Government for this funding as it enables the delivery of these important safety capital work projects," he said.

"The upgrade to the intersection of Birnam Street and James Street in Beaudesert will provide a traffic calming feature to allow safe access for our pedestrians and other vehicle traffic.

"Upgrades to the Birnam Street and Alice Street intersection will also be greatly welcomed, as traffic on this road has increased in recent years.

"The Black Spot Funding will help make this intersection a whole lot safer with a single lane roundabout and a pedestrian refuge for pedestrian traffic, particularly from the high school."

Division 6 Councillor Duncan McInnes said he was pleased to see the busy corner on Munbilla Road and Ellis and Jackson Road at Milora be upgraded.

“This corner is one that needs attention given its accident history,” he said.

“It’s good this will be upgraded because a number of locals have made comments to me about their safety concerns.

“I thank the Australian Government and our local Federal Member for securing the funding to fix this intersection.”

The following five projects are fully funded under the Black Spots Program:

Beechmont Road, east of Rhoades Rd, Witheren - $181,000

  • Removing vegetation (outside/additional normal maintenance regime.
  • Install audio tactile line marking edge and centreline.
  • Install guideposts with reflectors.
  • Install curve alignment markers on outside of curve.
  • Install new seal on poor surface.

Beechmont Road, 500m section north of Farm Grove Road, Beechmont - $209,000

  • Remove vegetation (outside/additional normal maintenance regime).
  • Install guideposts with reflectors.
  • Install curve alignment markers on outside of curve.
  • Install new seal on poor surface.
  • Install w-beam guardrail on road side.

Munbilla Road and Ellis and Jackson Road intersection, Milora - $664,000

  • Change horizontal alignment.
  • Install shoulder from existing 0.0m to 0.25m shoulder to 1.0m shoulder.
  • Install curve alignment markers on outside of curve.
  • Flatten slope to 1:6 or better.
  • Eliminate sub-optimal vertical geometry (correct superelevation).
  • Install warning signs.

Birnam Street and James Street intersection, Beaudesert - $198,000

  • Installing traffic calming devices such as precast concreted island.
  •  Line marking on both streets to control the speed and manage the traffic effectively.

Birnam Street and Alice Street intersection, Beaudesert - $493,000

  • Installation of a single lane roundabout to reduce approach speeds and manage the traffic effectively through the intersection at Birnam and Alice Streets.
  • Installation of a compliant kerb ramp and pedestrian refuge.

Image supplied by Office of Scott Buchholz MP.