Rating Information
Rates are a contribution that each ratepayer makes towards the cost of maintaining and improving a wide range of essential community services and facilities. These include roads, walkways, sporting grounds, parks and gardens, community centres, public libraries, swimming pools, pest and animal management, waste collection and numerous other community services and facilities.
Rate Notices are issued to property owners half yearly (bi-annually) in July and January.
The proposed issue dates for 2024/2025 are listed below. Please note, the following dates are indicative only and may be subject to change.
22 July 2024 | 23 August 2024 |
20 January 2025 | 20 February 2025 |
Have your rate notice emailed
To receive your rate notice electronically (by email), use the change of details/electronic consent form available in the Forms section of Councils website or directly via the link below.
Please note that once you have consented to receive your rate notice electronically, you will no longer receive paper copies by post and an email will be sent with your rate notice attached.
Sale of land for rates arrears
Under the Local Government Act and in accordance with the Local Government Regulation 2012, Councils are able to take action that may result in the sale of a property in order to recover overdue rates.
Public notices
Council has no current auctions scheduled.
Setting of rates
Council's rating outcomes for the forthcoming financial year are set in Council's annual budget adopted in June. Financial information, including Council's Revenue Statement and Differential General Rating structure, can be accessed by following the link below.
Rates payments
Payment options are detailed on the back of your six-monthly rate notice. To learn more about payment options or to access our online payment portal follow the link.
January 2025 rates information
January 2025 rates notices have now been distributed. Copies of the Scenic Living community newsletter were also distributed with the rates notices. The newsletter can be accessed electronically below.
Scenic Living community newsletter
2024-2025 Rates and Charges information
About your rates
General Rates
Every ratepayer pays a general rate (based on the value of their land) to council in accordance with the rating category the property falls into. The Local Government Act 2009 provides for councils to charge a minimum general rate. The minimum rate recognises that there is a level at which everyone should contribute to the overall running of Council, regardless of their land valuation.
Community Infrastructure Charge
A separate charge is levied equally on all rateable properties for community infrastructure. Revenue raised from this charge is used to fund either all or part of the costs associated with road and bridge infrastructure.
Waste Collection Charge
This charge applies to properties that receive a dual domestic or commercial waste and recycling collection service. Council provides a 240-litre waste bin (serviced weekly) and a separate 240-litre bin with a yellow lid to hold recyclable materials (serviced fortnightly).
Waste Disposal Charge
Council levies a Waste Disposal Charge on properties that do not receive a Council kerbside waste and recyclables collection or Council bulk bin service and have improvements recorded against the property as determined by Council's property and rating system. The proceeds from the charge shall be applied to fund recurrent and capital expenditure and administration costs associated with the ongoing operation, maintenance and upgrading of Council's waste management facilities comprising, landfill sites, transfer stations, weighbridge and rubbish bins.
Rural Fire Levy
A rural fire levy applies to properties within the Rural Fire Brigade areas. The proceeds are remitted to Rural Fire Brigades to fund ongoing provision and maintenance of fire fighting equipment and operations.
Emergency Management Levy
Council is required to collect this levy on behalf of the State Government and remits the proceeds to Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES).
Land valuations
Rates are based on land valuation as determined by the Department Natural Resources and Mines. Council receives valuations on an annual basis and calculates rates on these valuations. The value of the land is either the site value (non- rural land) or the unimproved value (rural land) determined under the Land Valuation Act 2010.
Pensioner subsidies
The Queensland Government's Pensioner Rate Subsidy Scheme provides a subsidy equal to 20 per cent (up to a maximum amount of $200 each year) of the gross rates and charges levied by Council. To receive the subsidy, you must hold one of the following concession cards:
- Queensland Pensioner Concession Card issued by Centrelink or Department of Veterans' Affairs.
- Department of Veterans' Affairs Health Card for all conditions Gold Card.
You must also be:
- the owner or life tenant* of the property, which is your principal place of residence and located in Queensland.
- legally responsible for the payment of local council rates and charges levied on that property.
*A life tenancy can only be created by a valid will and is effective only after the death of the property owner, or by a Supreme or Family Court order.
The property must be located in Queensland and the subsidy is allowable on only one property at any one time. A new application must be lodged if you change your address, or if you sell your principal place of residence and buy another property which then becomes your principal place of residence.
Verification checks are lodged with Centrelink and Department of Veteran's Affairs each year to confirm eligibility. Pensioners registered with Council and verified with Centrelink or Department of Veterans' Affairs will continue to receive the rebate each year without the need to re-apply, providing circumstances have not changed. The Pensioner Rate Subsidy Application is available in the Forms section of Council's website.
Supplementary Rate Notices
A supplementary rate or charge occurs when there are changes to valuations, services or ownership of a property. The changes are usually calculated on a pro-rata basis from the date the changes take effect.
Ownership Transfer Fee
When a property is purchased Scenic Rim Regional Council charges an ownership transfer fee to the purchaser unless excluded below.
- Purchase is made in respect of first home ownership where the stamp duty concession applies.
- Change of name on title after marriage.
- Transfers between spouses, including as a result of a divorce settlement.
- Transmission to surviving joint tenants or tenants on death of other joint tenant.
- Transfer where no money is exchanged.
- Transfer as a result of a gift through natural love and affection.
- Purchases made in respect of first home ownership of vacant land provided a Class 1 building approval is obtained within 12 months of date of purchase.
- Purchases made in respect of dip sites, pump sites and other small holdings separate from the balance of the holding or held separate by trustees.
- Transfer to, or inclusion of, a spouse/de facto/partner as a result of an amalgamation or separation of assets on principal place of residence providing that residence is the parties first home purchased.
- Purchases made by Scenic Rim Regional Council, the Crown in right of the State of Queensland, the Commonwealth, another State or Territory or anybody representing the Crown in any of those capacities.
- Lease changes for a property where title has not been changed.
- Tenant changes for property where title has not been changed if life tenants.
- Change of name for Government Structures.
The Ownership Transfer Exemption application is available from the Forms section of the website.